


Optimization of the reservation rate of its hotels

UX/UI Design • CRO

The price information for the night only arrived on the 3rd page visited.
As many choices are already made at this stage of the customer experience, the surprise of the high price represents many booking abandonments.
We optimized the online booking experience by clarifying the offers and simplifying the process


of booking.


unoccupancy. The optimization of the UX has increased the booking rate, especially for small budgets.

The problems

Too many cart abandonments

Too low a fill rate

The solutions

Reduce the number of clicks before getting to the reservation

Increase the clarity of the offers

Your vision, our creation!

UX Optimization of the reservation

The booking rate in the low season could be improved. In addition, the frequent cart abandonments on small budgets are made at the discovery of the selling price. By providing a specific tunnel for small budgets, the booking rates have climbed. This, without altering the margins on premium budgets.

Optimization of navigation between pages

Due to the complexity of booking a stay, we see unexplained cart abandonments in the middle of the shopping experience. Then similar basket offers reappeared (same name, first name, under another account). By adding reminder pages of the experience offered, we have reduced the rates of cart interruptions.

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